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Dispatch | March, 28 2022

A2J Dispatch – March 2022 Issue

The March Issue

Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta with Reena Shah, Executive Director of the Maryland Access to Justice Commission

This month, we explore the federal government’s inspirational leadership on access to justice issues with Vanita Gupta, US Associate Attorney General for the Department of Justice during MSBA’s second Spark Series event. And in the last weeks of the 2022 legislative session, we ask for your help to move key A2JC legislative priorities to help advance access to justice for all in Maryland.

A2J Commission News

ACT NOW to help push A2JC Legislative Priorities!

More A2J News

  • Legal Reference for Public Libraries. Public Libraries can play an important role in increasing access to justice by providing patrons access to quality and trustworthy legal information. A2JC continues its 5-year Law on the Frontlines Project, with our partners, the Maryland State Law Library and the Maryland State Library, to hold a series of online trainings that engage and empower public library staff to provide quality legal reference in their local communities to ensure that the law is accessible to every Marylander who needs it. The next web event will be held April 5. Register Here 
  • Pro Bono Administrative Leave. This month, Attorney General Brian Frosh authorized the allocation and use of 8 hours of administrative leave per year toward pro bono services for his staff. Citing the Call to Action to increase pro bono services across the state AG Frosh encouraged employees to meet the moment and help those who face daunting legal challenges. A2JC strongly supports AG Frosh’s efforts to address the spike in civil legal needs of Marylanders across the state.

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