Advocacy Update: Learn about the MSBA’s Latest Efforts and How You Can Help

The MSBA advocates in a variety of ways to protect our profession, from the Statehouse, to the Governor’s Office, and in the courts. Here are a few updates on our recent advocacy efforts.
Members Join MSBA’s Attorney Vaccine Priority Efforts
Yesterday, the MSBA encouraged members to email local legislators through an online advocacy tool, asking them to include attorneys in the 1C priority group. In just one day, over 1,000 emails have been sent by MSBA members to local legislators regarding vaccine prioritization. We encourage you to join in the campaign by clicking here to contact your local representatives.
Members can do even more by visiting our blog here to learn how to contact Governor Hogan’s Office, Maryland Secretary of Health, and the Maryland Judiciary. We thank our members for joining in this effort. Vaccine priority for our profession is about protecting attorneys on the frontlines of justice, and protecting the clients and communities we serve.
MSBA Joined by the Access to Justice Commission and 32 Local and Specialty Bars in Letter Urging Maryland Leaders to Prioritize Attorney Vaccination
On Wednesday, the MSBA, joined by the Access to Justice Commission and 32 local and specialty bars, wrote to Governor Hogan, the Maryland Judiciary, and the Maryland Department of Health. As many of our members go to court, visit incarcerated clients, elderly and infirm clients, and those vulnerable populations with limited access to remote technology, we ask our local leaders to include Maryland attorneys in category 1C of the state’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout. You can read the letter here. We are not asking for anything more than to follow the national guidance on this issue, as many surrounding jurisdictions have done, and individuals attorneys can choose to opt-out of priority status. Many thanks to our partner organizations in this effort.

MSBA Files an Amicus Brief to Protect Attorney Advocacy Rights
The MSBA prides itself on being the voice of attorneys across the state representing lawyers in a broad range of practice areas, experience levels, and demographics. Last month, MSBA President Mark Scurti, after being approached by a member, felt the MSBA owed a duty to its members and to all attorneys in Maryland to protect them from liability when advising clients on courses of action they might take. Many thanks to Steven M. Klepper (Kramon & Graham) and J. Bradford McCullough (Lerch, Early & Brewer), co-chairs of the Appellate Practice Committee of the MSBA Litigation Section, for drafting an amicus curiae brief in Chavis v. Blibaum Associates, P.A. Click here to read more.