M. Natalie McSherry Sworn in as 125th MSBA President, New Officers Also Take Oath

MSBA proudly announces the installation of its 125th president, M. Natalie McSherry, who was sworn in during the MSBA Legal Summit & Annual Meeting on June 11.

“I am honored to be inducted as the 125th President of the Maryland State Bar Association,” said President McSherry. “The MSBA is an outstanding organization that is supported by many talented people, from its dedicated membership to its energetic staff. I look forward to keeping the momentum of our work moving forward as we strive to improve member services, promote professionalism, and provide access to justice for all members of our community.”
President McSherry is the great-granddaughter of the MSBA’s first president, James McSherry, who was installed in 1897. She has served the MSBA in various leadership roles, including service as a member of the MSBA Board of Governors and Executive Committee, and Treasurer. She has been a Fellow of the Maryland Bar Foundation since 1984 and, until earlier this year, had served on the organization’s Board of Directors since 2011.
MSBA is also happy to announce the installation of Del. Erek Barron, as President-Elect; Jason DeLoach, who is serving a second term as Treasurer, and David Shapiro, as Secretary of the MSBA.
David Shapiro

Jason DeLoach

Del. Erek Barron