Access to Justice Commission Welcomes Five New Commissioners

Five new voices joined Maryland’s Access to Justice Commission last week, further diversifying the organization which advocates for expanded and improved access to justice for all Marylanders.
Joining the commission are Erek Barron, Partner at Whitford, Taylor and Preston LLC, Delegate for Prince George’s County and President-Elect of the MSBA; Sara Coffey Bowes, Executive Director, Civil Justice, Inc.; Jessica Gorski, Associate Attorney at Whitford, Taylor and Preston LLC and Chair of MSBA’s Young Lawyers Section; Jessica Quincosa, Executive Director at Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County; and Kerri Smith, Member at Silverman, Thomson, Slutkin and White and Chair-Elect of MSBA’s Young Lawyers Section.
The commission held its very first formal orientation session for the new commissioners. This program is intended to ensure all commissioners are provided with the same training and essential information regarding their roles and the work of the commission.
Recent projects of the Access to Justice Commission have included a Pro Bono Call to Action, advocacy for civil legal aid funding and access to counsel in eviction proceedings, as well as partnering with the Attorney General for the COVID-19 Access to Justice Task Force. To learn more about the work of the commission and the need for civil legal justice reform in Maryland, click here.