Access to Justice Commission Welcomes New Members

The Maryland Access to Justice Commission (A2JC) is excited to announce the new high-level leaders who have joined the A2JC this year, further strengthening the organization which works to break down barriers that prevent all Marylanders from equally accessing the civil justice system.
Joining the A2JC are Maryland Attorney General Anthony G. Brown and his designee, Carolyn Quattrocki; House Judiciary Committee Chair Luke Clippinger; and Chief Legal Counsel in the Office of the Governor, Amanda LaForge and her designee, Jennifer Katz. We also are excited to welcome Michelle Siri, the newly announced executive director of the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC); William Kiniry III from DLA Piper; and Meredith Girard of Shore Legal Access, who will be the first Delivery of Legal Services Committee liaison. Additionally joining the Commission as representatives of the Maryland State Bar Association are MSBA President-Elect Rafael Santini and Chair-Elect of the MSBA’s Young Lawyers Section (YLS), Rima Kikani.
“The A2JC’s strength lies with our Commissioners. The Commission is the place where leaders from different parts of the legal profession and even outside it, unite to break down barriers and drive reforms and innovations in the civil justice system. We are so thankful that these powerful leaders bring their passion, leadership experience and their voice to the A2JC so that we can make the civil justice system accessible, equitable and fair for all Marylanders,” said Reena Shah, executive director of A2JC. The Access to Justice Commission is thankful to the commissioners and representatives whose terms concluded this year, including Jason DeLoach, President of the MSBA and YLS Chair, Lauren Lake.
Recent projects of the A2JC include advocating for funding for the Access to Counsel in Evictions law, working on civil justice data and more. To learn more about the work of the commission and the need for civil legal justice reform in Maryland, click here.